Featured Projects and Work

These are some of the Featured Projects I have worked on ...


SoK 2020: KDE Connect Website

As part of Season of KDE 2020, my proposal for redesign of KDE Connect Website was accepted, and I completed my Project of Redesigning the KDE Connect Website, by developing a Jekyll Theme. I also did the design and Promo Video on the website. The project was also successfully completed. Click to read a detailed report.

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Android Java C++ Qt5

Network Status Plugin: KDE Connect

As part of GSOC Proposal with KDE , my proposal was to Develop a plugin for KDE Connect on both the android side and Desktop side that will allow the showing of the network status of remote devices and all of it SIM Cards and Wifi Networks and to redesign the outdated UI on the android side of the remote keyboard to meet the new android standards of material design. The code that I made is able to report kinds of information from the Android side such as Signal Levels, SIM Cards, Carrier Names, Connection Type, etc., and more information could be easily fetched using API calls. A basic Daemon was also implemented on Desktop side. Click to learn more.

Python Pygame

Yet Another Cat and Mouse Game

"Yet Another Cat and Mouse Game" is Cross the River or Crossy Road inspired Game Developed by me in Python using the Pygame Library. The game features a set of good music, art and Scoring Systems. It also features two Players. A twist on Crossy Road. The whole game is available on Github. Click to download and Play.

C System Calls Linux Kernal

A Linux Shell in C

Custom Linux Shell Using System Calls in C. Implemented basic functionalities. Also implemented the ability to create background processes with appropriate signal handling by creating child process and replacing process block. The C Shell has various other features and commands. A detailed explanation and code is available on Github. Click to learn more.

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C Scheduling Algorithms Analysis

Modified xv6 OS and Report on Scheduling Algorithms

Customized the xv6 open-source operating system, created by MIT. Customized the scheduling algorithm, and provided the option to choose the scheduling algorithm between FCFS, PBS, MLFQ and also implemented few system calls. A detailed comparison was done between performances of the Algorithms and graphs were plotted in Python using Pyplot Library and studied. Report, Modified code and Data collected are available on my github. Click to see.

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Python Databases and DesignsMySQL

Movie Studio Database Design and CLI

A Movie Studio Database Design and CLI made in Python. The repository contains the whole Database Design Project. The process included requirements document, ER Model, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF and a CLI made in Python. I made this with my Team Mates Gokul and Rakesh.